Che Guevara Siempre - a forradalmár és a legenda
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~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, az argentin származású forradalmár, miniszter, gerillavezér és író, Buenos Aires-ben szerzett orvosi diplomát, majd a kubai forradalom során jelentős szerepet játszott a szigetország felszabadításában és újjáépítésében. A kubai gazdaság talpraállításáért dolgozott, küzdött az oktatás és az egészségügy fejlesztéséért, az írástudatlanság és a faji előítéletek felszámolásáért. Saját példájával népszerűsítette az önkéntes munkát. Kongóban és Bolíviában is harcolt - harminckilenc éves volt, amikor az amerikai-bolíviai csapatok csapdába ejtették és kivégezték.


A Che Guevara Siempre egy egyszerű ismeretterjesztő honlap, amelynek célja a legendás argentin forradalmár életének és munkásságának  megismertetése a lehető legobjektívabb formában.

A szöveges anyag a szerkesztő, Aleida saját fordítása vagy írása, az alapja pedig a Che Guevara által vagy róla írt könyvek - a teljes lista a Megjelent írásai és a Róla szóló könyvek nevű menüpontokban található.

A Galériába feltöltött fényképek a fotósok tulajdonát képezik, a Videótárban látható anyag a Youtube videomegosztó oldal különböző feltöltőitől származik.



Che Guevara beszédeinek angol nyelvű fordítása az alábbi honlapokról származik:
~ The Che Store
~ Marxists.Org

Az eredetiben leközölt és/vagy fordított cikkek minden alkalommal forrásmegjelöléssel kerülnek fel a honlapra.

A kódokért köszönet: Linda Design

A Che Guevara Siempre szerkesztője nem áll kapcsolatban sem Aleida March asszonnyal, sem egyetlen Guevara-leszármazottal, sem a Centro de Estudios Che Guevara munkatársaival.

Megnyitás: 2013. október 5.
Szerkesztő: Aleida
Fordítás és grafika: Aleida

Ajánlott felbontás: 1342x643 IE
Ajánlott böngésző: Internet Explorer
Kapcsolat: [levél]

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Video: Észak-Korea | Jugoszlávia

Mára két rövid videót hoztam - a címek magukat beszélnek.

Che Guevara találkozik az észak-koreai vezérrel,Kim Il-Sunggal (1960. december)


Che Guevara találkozik a jugoszláv elnökkel, Tito-val (1959)


For today I have brought you two short videos (as seen above):
- Che Guevara meets North Korean leader, Kim Il-Sung (December 1960)
- Che Guevara meets Yugoslavian leader, Tito (1959)



Címkék: video
2013.12.03. 11:12, Aleida

Defending Che Guevara: The Heroism of the Ordinary Man

Today I am going to share an old article about Che Guevara with you. Check it out - maybe you haven't read it before.

To understand Che Guevara you must separate the man from the myths which engulf him and then understand the ideas he stood for and the people he stood with.

There are three mythologies of Che. There is the revolutionary icon, the martyred Christ-like figure who is lionised by elements of the left. Secondly there is the bloodthirsty tyrant, an image fabricated from Cold War propaganda. Finally there is ‘brand che,’ a nihilistic Disney-fication of a photo, cynically aimed at the middle class ‘revolutionary chic’ who wear his face on a T-shirt while being ignorant of the man.

Ernesto Che Guevara was none of these things. He was an ordinary man, a medical student from Argentina, who had asthma, smoked and shared the flaws of any other ordinary man. But, he lived in extraordinary times. He recognised the injustices in Latin America and he fought to change them. He played a key role freeing Cuba from a ruthless regime and was murdered trying to emulate that success across Latin America. Yet individuals do not write history and he didn’t’ act alone, he fought alongside thousands of ordinary workers and peasants who were inspired by and shared his ideas of democratic socialism.

In the opposing piece the writer makes sweeping falsehoods about Socialism and ‘Communism’, showing a banal and lazy analysis of the facts. Stalin’s Russia was a despotic regime, but it was just that ‘Stalinist’, it was not Marxist or Leninist and was certainly not genuinely Communist or Socialist.

Che’s ideas of democratic Socialism had as much in common with Stalinism as Catholicism does with the Spanish Inquisition. Both are a hideous distortion.

The writer also mentions executions, which I’ll not shy away from addressing. Socialists are staunch opponents of capital punishment, yet during the revolution executions took place. These were not of ‘ordinary citizens,’ but of murders, rapists, gangsters and pimps. I do not agree with capital punishment, but this makes Che no more of a mass murderer then Barack Obama, who presides over a nation with capital punishment today.

Che Guevara fought for socialism, which attracted thousands of ordinary workers and peasants into the jungle to fight alongside him against a brutal enemy and for an alternative. It was, and remains, democratic socialism that the people of Cuba want. We socialists support the Cuban people’s desire to reclaim their society from the distorted regime of Castro. Yet, we also acknowledge the successes of Cuba which must be defended, such as the high levels of education, healthcare and economic planning. We realise that the people do not wish for a return to the gangster capitalism of their past.

Che Guevara was an ordinary man who not only represented, but fought alongside thousands of other ordinary people living in extraordinary times who were forced to fight for a better, socialist, world. Their struggle inspired millions across the world and it is in memory of those ordinary people and their vision that we remember Che Guevara as a hero. As we endure the latest crisis of capitalism as another generation of ordinary people are being forced onto the dole ques is it any wonder that people are turning to the image of Che and the ideas of democratic Socialism once again?


Címkék: news article
2013.11.30. 08:00, Aleida

1965 - 1966 A kongói kaland

Mára megírtam Che Guevara életrajzának újabb fejezetét - az 1965-ös év történetéről olvashattok.
Ekkor Che több afrikai országban is járt, miközben már egy újabb hadjáraton törte a fejét. Argentína még nem érett meg a forradalomra, de úgy tűnt, hogy Kongó igen.
1965 az elbukott kongói kaland éve volt - és ugyanebben az esztendőben született meg Che ötödik és utolsó gyermeke, aki édesapja és nagyapja nevét kapta: Ernesto.

Itt elolvashatjátok: [1965 - 1966 A kongói kaland]

For today I have written a new chapter of Che Guevara's biography - so you can read about the story of 1965.
That year Che visited several African countries, while he was planning a new campaign. Argentina was not ready for the revolution, but the Congo seemed to.
1965 was the year of the failed Congolese campaign - and it was also the year when Che's fifth and last child was born, who was named after his father and his grandfather: Ernesto.

Here you can read it: [1965 - 1966 Adventures in the Congo]



Címkék: biography
2013.11.29. 11:32, Aleida

Elkeltek az ikonikus fényképek!

(A fényképen: Alberto Díaz Korda, aki a világhírű fotót készítette - és a fotó)

Pénteken a bécsi Westlicht Galéria által szervezett aukción elkelt Che Guevara ikonikus "Guerrillero Heroico" nevű fényképe - 7200 euróért/több, mint két millió forintért (a kikiáltási ár 3000 euró volt). Ezt a képet a kubai fotós, Alberto Díaz készítette a forradalmárról 1960. március 5-én, a felrobbantott La Coubre francia teherhajó áldozatainak emlékének szentelt gyűlésen.
A másik fotó, amit a svájci René Berri készített Che-ről 1963-ban, 4800 euróért talált gazdára (a kikiáltási ár 2400 euró volt).

Forrás: []

(On the photo above: Alberto Díaz Korda, who took the iconic photo of Che - and the photo itself)

Last Friday on the auction, organised by the Westlicht Gallery, Che Guevara's iconic photograph, the "Guerrillero Heroico" was sold for 7,200 euros (9,600 dollars) (the upset price was 3,000 euros). This photo was taken by the Cuban photographer, Alberto Díaz on 5th March 1960, on the rally commemorating to the victims of the exploded French ship, La Coubre.
The other photograph, taken by the Swiss René Berri in 1963, was sold for 4,800 euros (the upset price was 2,400 euros).

Source: []



Címkék: news article
2013.11.25. 13:41, Aleida

1963 - 1964 Beszédek és titkos tervek

Mára elkészült Che Guevara életrajzának következő szakasza - ezúttal az 1964-es esztendővel ismerkedhettek meg. 
Ebben az évben is történtek érdekes és jelentős események, hiszen Che merész és fontos beszédeket mondott az ENSZ közgyűlése előtt Genfben (március) és New Yorkban (december) - ez utóbbi városban nagy tüntetéseket rendeztek a Castro-ellenes csoportok és két alkalommal is megpróbálták Che-t megölni.

Olvassátok el itt: [1964]


For today I have completed the next part of Che Guevara's biography - this time you will get to know the year 1964.
In this year there were also some interesting and significant events, as Che made daring and important speeches in front of the UN assembly in Geneva (March) and in New York (December) - in the American city the anti-Castro groups made big demonstrations and some even tried to assassinate Che - twice.

Check it out here: [1964]



Címkék: biography
2013.11.24. 09:47, Aleida
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Ernesto Che Guevara, the Argentine-born revolutionary, minister, guerrilla leader and writer, received his medical degree in Buenos Aires, then played an essential part in the Cuban Revolution in liberating and rebuilding the country. He did his best to set up the Cuban economy, fought for the improvement of the education and the health system, the elimination of illiteracy and racial prejudice. He promoted voluntary work by his own example. He fought in the Congo and in Bolivia - he was thirty-nine years old, when he was trapped and executed by the joint American-Bolivian forces.


Che Guevara Siempre is a simple guide to the legendary Argentine revolutionary and guerrilla leader, showing his life and works in the most impartial form as possible.

The texts found on this website are written and translated by the webmiss, Aleida, based on the books written by or about Che Guevara. The complete list of the used material can be found in the modules "Books of Che Guevara" and "Books about Che Guevara".

The copyrights of all the photos uploaded into the Gallery belong to the photographers, and the videos of the Video Collection originally come from Youtube.


Video collection:

The English translation of Che Guevara's speeches are taken from these two websites below:
~ The Che Store
~ Marxists.Org

All the articles, published in the original version or translated into English, are always presented on the website with a source link.

For the codes thanks to Linda Design

The webmiss of Che Guevara Siempre is not in contact with Mrs Aleida March or any members of the Guevara family, or with any colleagues working at the Centro de Estudios Che Guevara.

Opened: 5th October 2013
Webmiss: Aleida
Translation and graphics: Aleida

Best resolution: 1342x643
Best browser: Internet Explorer
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© 2013-2014 Che Guevara Siempre

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