Here is a little quiz for all the playful visitors of Che Guevara Siempre!
Let's see how well you know Che's life. ;) If you are not sure about the answer, of course you can check them in his biographies.
When you finished, you can send me your replies if you click on "Mit szólsz hozzá?' at the bottom of the post. But in any case, I am going to post the results tomorrow evening.
1. Where was Che Guevara born?
A: Buenos Aires B: Rosario C: Córdoba
2. Where did he get his first asthma attack? When he was ...
A: eating ice-cream B: running C: swimming
3. According to Aleida March, Che's other big love was ...
A: Cuban cigar B: chess C: taking photos
4. Whom did he meet first?
A: Fidel Castro B: Raúl Castro C: Celia Sánchez
5. Which is the job that Che never did?
A: male nurse B: photographer C: shop assistant
6. Which language did Che never learn?
A: English B: Swahili C: Japanese
7. Who was Julia Mejía? She was Che's ...
A: cousin B: doctor C: lover
8. Where was Che at the US invasion?
A: at Playa Girón B: at Pinar del Río C: in Santa Clara
9. Che once sent a postcard to Aleida with the portrait of ...
A: Mona Lisa B: Girl with a Pearl Earring C: Lucrezia Crivelli
10. Which name did Che use in the Bolivian camp?
A: Teté B: Ramón C: Adolfo