Che Guevara Siempre - a forradalmár és a legenda
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~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, az argentin származású forradalmár, miniszter, gerillavezér és író, Buenos Aires-ben szerzett orvosi diplomát, majd a kubai forradalom során jelentős szerepet játszott a szigetország felszabadításában és újjáépítésében. A kubai gazdaság talpraállításáért dolgozott, küzdött az oktatás és az egészségügy fejlesztéséért, az írástudatlanság és a faji előítéletek felszámolásáért. Saját példájával népszerűsítette az önkéntes munkát. Kongóban és Bolíviában is harcolt - harminckilenc éves volt, amikor az amerikai-bolíviai csapatok csapdába ejtették és kivégezték.


A Che Guevara Siempre egy egyszerű ismeretterjesztő honlap, amelynek célja a legendás argentin forradalmár életének és munkásságának  megismertetése a lehető legobjektívabb formában.

A szöveges anyag a szerkesztő, Aleida saját fordítása vagy írása, az alapja pedig a Che Guevara által vagy róla írt könyvek - a teljes lista a Megjelent írásai és a Róla szóló könyvek nevű menüpontokban található.

A Galériába feltöltött fényképek a fotósok tulajdonát képezik, a Videótárban látható anyag a Youtube videomegosztó oldal különböző feltöltőitől származik.



Che Guevara beszédeinek angol nyelvű fordítása az alábbi honlapokról származik:
~ The Che Store
~ Marxists.Org

Az eredetiben leközölt és/vagy fordított cikkek minden alkalommal forrásmegjelöléssel kerülnek fel a honlapra.

A kódokért köszönet: Linda Design

A Che Guevara Siempre szerkesztője nem áll kapcsolatban sem Aleida March asszonnyal, sem egyetlen Guevara-leszármazottal, sem a Centro de Estudios Che Guevara munkatársaival.

Megnyitás: 2013. október 5.
Szerkesztő: Aleida
Fordítás és grafika: Aleida

Ajánlott felbontás: 1342x643 IE
Ajánlott böngésző: Internet Explorer
Kapcsolat: [levél]

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Charges and refutation
Charges and refutation : Charge: Che Guevara was a bad husband and a womanizer.

Charge: Che Guevara was a bad husband and a womanizer.

Some people say that Che Guevara was a bad husband. Well, first of all, a true revolutionary is not the best material for a husband. 

He loved Hilda as a great friend, whom he could talk to about anything and who supported and helped him every time he needed it. He was attracted to her because of her bright intelligence, her courage and her exotic looks (of Peruvian Indian and Chinese heritage). Maybe she was not a beautiful woman in the western meaning of the word, but her Indian and Chinese features captured Che's imagination - and he always loved such things. As he loved sex as well.
Probably he would have never married her but when he was told that she was pregnant with his child, he did the most obvious thing that a gentleman would do: marriage.
After Hildita's birth, he confessed in a letter that his marriage was in ruins. The Cuban expedition with Fidel Castro came at the right time - he could do something important, fulfil a dream that could change the world, fight for freedom and justice as he had wanted to - and in the meantime he could be free from the relationship that became a burden to him. He truly loved his little daughter but he wasn't born to stay at home and work in an office to feed his family.

Maybe he really had one or more short relationships with women in the Sierra Maestra (like Zoila Rodríguez García) but these couldn't be more than a flirt. He had far many things to do and as we could see very well: in his life revolution always occupied the first place.

But when he met Aleida, things changed very soon because she captured him. She was a pretty woman, a brave fighter and an honest person who always spoke her mind - just like Che. Even their sense of humour and sharp tongue were similar. They fell in love with each other fairly quickly and they got married as soon as possible - as soon as the sad Hilda accepted the divorce.
Four children were born from this marriage within a short time, Che often wrote letters to his wife when he was away, from the Congo he sent her postcards and tapes on which he was reading poems to her - as he had done to her it in their bedroom.
Aleida was a very jealous woman - of everyone who had known Che before her. Possibly she didn't enjoy either that her husband was swarmed by women everywhere he went. The fact that he worked and travelled so much and she had little opportunity to be with him also didn't help much. The jealousy caused many problems and rows between them but it would be stupid to say that Che left for the Congo and Bolivia to escape from her.
It is rather a coincidence that his second marriage wasn't perfect either (is there a perfect marriage after all?) and that in 1965 he chose to continue on the way that he had started when joining Fidel Castro's expedition in 1956.

Was Che a bad husband? Only his wives could reply this question - and not those so-called sources who may have heard some angry words or nasty gossips but who were not there in the marriage actually. I guess Che did his best and in his own way he loved Hilda and Aleida, but the role of a married man was not for him. Even the passionate love, that he felt for Aleida, could not stop him from continuing the fight against imperialism. He was a just a human being, with faults and mistakes, just like everyone else.

Some people say that Che Guevara a bad father who didn't care about his family as he just left them alone so he could follow his dream of making revolutions wherever he could.

Yeah, he really left them behind when he went to the expeditions in the Congo and in Bolivia, when he spent most of his time working in the ministry, visiting factories, attending meetings and conferences, talking to professionals and workers, when he spent his little free time doing voluntary work.
But he deeply loved his children, it is so evident if we look at the photographs where he can be seen holding his daughters and his sons in his arms. He was working for them too, to be able to give them a better world where there is no hunger, where everyone has a job, where everyone has the right to study and to get free medical help no matter if they are poor or rich, white, mulatto or black.
It is another question that he could not see them grow up, he could not give them all the love, care and attention that he wanted to. He could not be there by their side because he was away fighting for them and for other people.
When he left for the Congo and for Bolivia, he left in the belief that his family would never suffer from poverty as the revolution would provide them with everything they needed. He wrote it in his farewell letter to Fidel Castro.

"I am not sorry that I leave nothing material to my wife and children; I am happy it is that way. I ask nothing for them, as the state will provide them with enough to live on and receive an education."

Some people say that Che Guevara was a womanizer. Sources have talked about his first love, Chichina, his short relationships with women when he was young, and we all know about his two marriages. Some people claim that when he was young, he often had quick sex with the maids; that he had extramarital affairs while being married to Aleida and that he even had children from some of these women; that he and Tania had a relationship and she was pregnant with his child when she died in Bolivia.

It is no wonder at all that women have always fallen for Ernesto Che Guevara. He was a handsome, witty, brave and intelligent man, he could be funny and romantic, he had big dreams, he worked hard and he was even active at sports despite his asthma. Every girl wants a man like this, correct?
He really loved Chichina, she was pretty and clever, they could talk and have fun at the same time, and Ernesto could also enjoy how he could annoy and upset her parents with his remarks about politics or with his careless style of clothing. He planned to marry her and to take her to the journeys he was dreaming about, but her rich parents would never allow their daughter to marry a poor boy with dangerous thoughts and a sharp tongue. While Ernesto was on his motorcycle trip, Chichina split up with him in a letter - according to Alberto Granado, Ernesto was really sad and upset about her decision.

Putting aside the question of whether these rumours are true or not (and how many of the sources wanted only a little shine of fame for their revelation) - what if the young Ernesto really dated a lot of girls before meeting Chichina? It is not a big deal because he did nothing wrong as he was not engaged or married at that time.
That is the same reason why he shouldn't be condemned if he really had sex with maids. He was just a young man who loved and wanted sex. Maybe even the girls enjoyed it if he had an amazing technique. However, we may contemplate on the fact a little if it is right to find satisfaction at a person who may not have the right to say "no".

We might wonder if Che really had extramarital affairs and children out of wedlock. Ómar Pérez has got similar facial features like Che (perhaps a little more similar than Camilo or Ernesto Guevara March do). Sometimes Che was possibly tired of Aleida's jealous attacks and he might have looked for a little peace and tenderness in the arms of another woman who didn't fight with him. But where is the reliable proof for this?
It happens that sometimes people, who share no blood relation at all, look similar. Ómar doesn't care about making and showing a DNA test. Other "children" haven't told (or haven't dared to tell) their stories yet. Fidel Castro, Aleida March and her children ignore everyone who would try to spoil Che's perfect image and they wouldn't even let it happen. Such a revelation could be born only outside Cuba.
Well, this is a part of Che's life about which we will never know anything certain.

The Argentine-German Tania (Tamara Bunke Bider) and Che Guevara first met in Berlin in 1960 and soon she started to work for him as an agent. They often encountered at official meetings and parties. Some sources claim that they also met in Prague in 1966 and they spent a lot of time together while preparing for the Bolivian campaign (and that Aleida and Che quarrelled because Aleida was annoyed by Tania's frequent appearance by her husband's side).
No one could - or wants to - give a reliable proof for their love affair.
Tania was in a happy relationship with the Cuban revolutionary Ulises Estrada, whom she wanted to marry to, but in Bolivia she was single again. According to Estrada, she had a huge crush for Che, she was dying to be beside him and fight by his side (possibly that is why she made such a stupid mistake of leaving her jeep at the farmhouse in Ñacahuasú, full of photos and documents that were later found by the Bolivian military and that led to the discovery of the campsite and other problems for the guerrillas). However, she is also said to have short relationships with one or two guerrillas.
The rumour about her pregnancy with a three-month-old baby was a simple lie. There is no record of an autopsy. Even if she had been pregnant, Che couldn't have been the father of the child as they hadn't met since 20th April (when the vanguard and Che's column continued their way on separate routes) - and Tania died on 31st August, more than four months later.


~ Jorge G. Castañeda: Compañero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara
~ Che Guevara's farewell letter To Fidel Castro (in Spanish and in English)

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Ernesto Che Guevara, the Argentine-born revolutionary, minister, guerrilla leader and writer, received his medical degree in Buenos Aires, then played an essential part in the Cuban Revolution in liberating and rebuilding the country. He did his best to set up the Cuban economy, fought for the improvement of the education and the health system, the elimination of illiteracy and racial prejudice. He promoted voluntary work by his own example. He fought in the Congo and in Bolivia - he was thirty-nine years old, when he was trapped and executed by the joint American-Bolivian forces.


Che Guevara Siempre is a simple guide to the legendary Argentine revolutionary and guerrilla leader, showing his life and works in the most impartial form as possible.

The texts found on this website are written and translated by the webmiss, Aleida, based on the books written by or about Che Guevara. The complete list of the used material can be found in the modules "Books of Che Guevara" and "Books about Che Guevara".

The copyrights of all the photos uploaded into the Gallery belong to the photographers, and the videos of the Video Collection originally come from Youtube.


Video collection:

The English translation of Che Guevara's speeches are taken from these two websites below:
~ The Che Store
~ Marxists.Org

All the articles, published in the original version or translated into English, are always presented on the website with a source link.

For the codes thanks to Linda Design

The webmiss of Che Guevara Siempre is not in contact with Mrs Aleida March or any members of the Guevara family, or with any colleagues working at the Centro de Estudios Che Guevara.

Opened: 5th October 2013
Webmiss: Aleida
Translation and graphics: Aleida

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Best browser: Internet Explorer
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© 2013-2014 Che Guevara Siempre

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