~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, az argentin származású forradalmár, miniszter, gerillavezér és író, Buenos Aires-ben szerzett orvosi diplomát, majd a kubai forradalom során jelentős szerepet játszott a szigetország felszabadításában és újjáépítésében. A kubai gazdaság talpraállításáért dolgozott, küzdött az oktatás és az egészségügy fejlesztéséért, az írástudatlanság és a faji előítéletek felszámolásáért. Saját példájával népszerűsítette az önkéntes munkát. Kongóban és Bolíviában is harcolt - harminckilenc éves volt, amikor az amerikai-bolíviai csapatok csapdába ejtették és kivégezték.
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Outside Santa Clara there are also some amazing statues of Che Guevara for his memory.
Havana, Cuba
On the Plaza de la Revolución (the Square of Revolution) on the wall of the Ministry of the Interior we can find the huge, 30-meter-tall statue, made of steel, which is based on the Guerrillero Heroico, the world famous portrait of Che Guevara, taken by Alberto Korda in 1960. Che worked in this building when he was a minister.
Alta Gracia, Argentina
In the house, where Che Guevara and his family lived in his childhood in Alta Gracia, today we can find a museum. On the veranda the statue of the little Ernesto is sitting.
Rosario, Argentina
The four-meter-tall bronze statue stands in the birthplace of Che Guevara - it was erected on his 80th birthday, on 14th June 2008. It is really special because it consists of more than 75,000 bronze keys that were donated by the Argentines from all over the world. The statue, created by Andres Zerneri, looks toward Santa Clara.
La Higuera, Bolivia
The snow white statue can be found in La Higuera where Che Guevara was captured and executed, and where he is adored as a saint today. There is a short text painted under the statue: 'Tu exemplo alumbrar. Un nuevo amanacer.' - 'Your example lights the way. A New dawn.'
La Paz, Bolivia
One of the strangest statues of Che Guevara can be found in the outskirts of La Paz called El Alto that has became an independent city by now. The statue stands near the local market.
Vienna, Austria
In 2008 in the Donaupark in Vienna, the seventy-centimetre-tall statue of Che Guevara was erected to commemorate his 80th birthday - by the Austrian-Cuban alliance. It cost 28,000 euros - the money was collected by a charity golf tournament called Che-Rity.
Oleiros, Spain
The eight-meter-tall statue was erected by the mayor, Ángel Garcia Seoane. He asked two Cuban sculptors to create it and it was erected in secret, in the middle of the night in 2008. It cost 142,000 euros out of the budget of the city - that is why a lot of the locals disliked the statue.
San Miguel, Santiago, Chile
Che Guevara's first statue in the world was erected on 8th November 1970 - by the idea of the mayor, Tito Palestro Rojas. It was created by the sculptor, Praxíteles Vázquez and the base was designed by the architects, Gastón Jobet, Raúl Bonnefoy and Guaraní Pereda. It cost 300,000 escudos (1,500,000, Chilean pesos) and it weighed 1,400 kilos.
The bronze statue was blown up and destroyed on 22 April 1973 by the Chilean fascist dictatorship, led by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte.
[More photos about the statue]
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Unknown places (possibly South America)
Mexico City, Mexico
Manhattan, New York, USA
[For more and bigger photos: check out the Gallery]
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Ernesto Che Guevara, the Argentine-born revolutionary, minister, guerrilla leader and writer, received his medical degree in Buenos Aires, then played an essential part in the Cuban Revolution in liberating and rebuilding the country. He did his best to set up the Cuban economy, fought for the improvement of the education and the health system, the elimination of illiteracy and racial prejudice. He promoted voluntary work by his own example. He fought in the Congo and in Bolivia - he was thirty-nine years old, when he was trapped and executed by the joint American-Bolivian forces.
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