~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, az argentin származású forradalmár, miniszter, gerillavezér és író, Buenos Aires-ben szerzett orvosi diplomát, majd a kubai forradalom során jelentős szerepet játszott a szigetország felszabadításában és újjáépítésében. A kubai gazdaság talpraállításáért dolgozott, küzdött az oktatás és az egészségügy fejlesztéséért, az írástudatlanság és a faji előítéletek felszámolásáért. Saját példájával népszerűsítette az önkéntes munkát. Kongóban és Bolíviában is harcolt - harminckilenc éves volt, amikor az amerikai-bolíviai csapatok csapdába ejtették és kivégezték.
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Che Guevara: The Grand Knight of FIDE
2014.05.15. 08:50
A lover of sports and especially of chess, the unforgettable Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara used to be usually seen in the game room of the first versions of the Torneos Capablanca in Memóriam (Capablanca Chess Tournament) that was supported by the now deceased international referee Jose Luis Barreras.
As Che attended the contests so often, he could get to know the three most famous players of that time: Vasily Smyslov, Mikhail Tal and Boris Spaski. In Spaski's presence he took part in the award ceremony, organized by the Trade Section of the Ministry of Industries, that was held between late July and August 1963. The Heroic Guerrilla became the second during that tournament. That day he said some prophetic words:
"It was when Capablanca died, chess was forgotten. Now the enthusiasm has emerged again, with the Revolution. Every day new values emerge in Cuban chess, true talents; there will be a lot of players with high quality, other Capablancas and Tals. We are going to have Grand Masters and this will be also the job of the Revolution."
On the next day he started the second version of the Capablanca in Memóriam, which ended with Victor Korchnoi's victory. The celebration of the event was used by Che in order to face the three great masters simultaneously (to play chess with them at the same time) who all participated in the event. He lost against Korchnoi, but had a stalemate against Mikhail Tal and the Yugoslavian Peter Trifunovic.
A year earlier Che had played against the Polish-Argentine Grand Master Miguel Najdorf. The Heroic Guerrilla was one of the people whom Najdorf faced in a simultaneous game.
According to José Luis Barreras, at the twelfth step, Najdorf offered a stalemate, but Che refused it. He said: “I have come to win or lose.” However, at the seventeenth step Najdorf offered the stalemate again and after checking his chances, Che finally accepted it.
It was not the first time when they played chess – in 1949, when Che was the 21-year-old medical student Ernesto Guevara, played with the Grand Master in Argentina, also during a simultaneous game.
In May 2000 the figure of the Guerrilla Comandante returned to be present at the Capablanca, when at the closing event of the 35th tournament Silvino García, the first of the Grand Masters since Che’s prediction, announced that the exceptional revolutionary was granted with the excellent title of The Grand Knight of FIDE (World Chess Federation) for his contribution and development for the Cuban chess. His name was written into the Golden Book of FIDE.
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~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, the Argentine-born revolutionary, minister, guerrilla leader and writer, received his medical degree in Buenos Aires, then played an essential part in the Cuban Revolution in liberating and rebuilding the country. He did his best to set up the Cuban economy, fought for the improvement of the education and the health system, the elimination of illiteracy and racial prejudice. He promoted voluntary work by his own example. He fought in the Congo and in Bolivia - he was thirty-nine years old, when he was trapped and executed by the joint American-Bolivian forces.
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