~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, az argentin származású forradalmár, miniszter, gerillavezér és író, Buenos Aires-ben szerzett orvosi diplomát, majd a kubai forradalom során jelentős szerepet játszott a szigetország felszabadításában és újjáépítésében. A kubai gazdaság talpraállításáért dolgozott, küzdött az oktatás és az egészségügy fejlesztéséért, az írástudatlanság és a faji előítéletek felszámolásáért. Saját példájával népszerűsítette az önkéntes munkát. Kongóban és Bolíviában is harcolt - harminckilenc éves volt, amikor az amerikai-bolíviai csapatok csapdába ejtették és kivégezték.
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Articles about Che Guevara |
The man who shot Che Guevara
2014.02.01. 09:16
Gail Sheridan's article from the Scottish 'Evening Times':
Last Thursday, Tommy was invited to address a pro-independence rally in Fife. The meeting was held in the beautiful St Bryce Kirk Church in Kirkcaldy. What a stunning venue it was. It used to be a Free Church and was taken over by The Church of Scotland. In fact Gordon Brown's father used to be the minister at St Bryce's. Over 300 people attended the meeting and Tommy passionately put forward his pro-independence argument very well and was warmly received. It was, however, a wee story he told that night which I had never heard before that interested me the most.
It involved another small country with a tremendous history, Cuba. The name Che Guevara is world renowned. He has been an inspiring figure to millions over many years. The name Mario Teran is, however, virtually unknown. Yet it was Mario Teran who shot and killed Che while he was a wounded prisoner of the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967. Mario Teran was a sergeant in the Bolivian army and was one of the soldiers who drew lots to decide who was to kill Che. In an act of incredible forgiveness and humanity some four decades later, Mario Teran's cataract blindness was treated by Cuban doctors sent to Bolivia to implement a free programme of eye treatments across Latin America. In 2006, the man who shot one of the leaders of the Cuban revolution had his blindness cured by doctors from that country. He was able to see his grandchildren for the first time. I have had the pleasure of holidaying in Cuba on five separate occasions. The people are so kind and helpful. I thought their treatment of Mario Teran's blindness in 2006 summed up how noble they are as a nation.
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~ Ernesto Che Guevara
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Ernesto Che Guevara, the Argentine-born revolutionary, minister, guerrilla leader and writer, received his medical degree in Buenos Aires, then played an essential part in the Cuban Revolution in liberating and rebuilding the country. He did his best to set up the Cuban economy, fought for the improvement of the education and the health system, the elimination of illiteracy and racial prejudice. He promoted voluntary work by his own example. He fought in the Congo and in Bolivia - he was thirty-nine years old, when he was trapped and executed by the joint American-Bolivian forces.
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